Playing with UEFI – Exploring the Various Boot Options and Kernels in Oracle Linux

Playing with UEFI One way hackers can compromise systems is by attacking the system before it boots. In order to prevent this, you must secure the operating system by enabling security in UEFI. In other words, you cannot run software if it cannot be trusted to execute code correctly because untrusted software can tamper with […]

Playing with UEFI 2 – Exploring the Various Boot Options and Kernels in Oracle Linux

How to do it… Let’s run the df -h command to view the partitions in the system. Please notice that /boot/efi is mounted on the /dev/sda1 partition in this example: Figure 3.10 – df -h command If you run the ls -l /boot/efi/EFI/redhat command, this directory contains a first-stage bootloader called shimx64.efi, a GRUB 2 […]

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